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When I was a little girl, I would often dream I was in Africa rescuing children from ferocious lions. Little did I know that God had planted that seed in this child’s heart.
Clearly, I can see how God, in His sovereignty, uses all the events of one’s life, the good and the bad, to mold and to shape that person’s character into the very image He uses for the kingdom and for his glory. When God called me out of my wretchedness and into a new life clothed with the righteousness of Christ Jesus, I earnestly prayed He would choose me to serve Him, the Lord Most High.
As a believer it is natural to desire to make much of God’s greatness, His holiness and His glory. His children have this privilege in earthen vessels to do Kingdom work. I remember praying to God, “Lord, where you go, I will go. Where you lead I will follow.” It is a privilege to serve Jesus Christ. When God called me to Africa, I eagerly replied, “Here I am! Pick me! Pick me!”
In 2009, I met a African lady who listened to me talk about this dream to go to Africa and work with children. She said she would arrange for me to stay in a mission house in Accra, so I left that summer for a five week adventure that changed my life.
In Accra, I met Pearl, who at the time was a vibrant, friendly eighteen year old who became my “daughter”, my “sister”, and my friend. We were brought together by our Heavenly Father who instantly cemented our relationship together by the Holy Spirit. We spent countless days and hours walking through the villages, seeing the many needs, and asking God what two women could do to help the suffering of the people, especially the children who were deprived of food, shelter, education, and spiritual growth.
As the trips increased to twice a year, and the enthusiasm spread amongst friends and family back home in Slovakia, a Non-Profit Organization was created that has grown to a beautiful orphanage that is meeting the needs of many orphaned children, giving them a House of Hope to call Home and a future full of promise.

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